Round 2 Tender Basics
First Tender Headlines
Winner name
Deployment Dates
2025 - 2026
# of ZEMBA member contracts
Emissions reduced
At least 82,000 tonnes CO2e
For the second tender, ZEMBA will seek bids that meet the following criteria:
- Powered by e-fuels that achieve at least 90% GHG emission reductions for primary propulsion compared to low-sulfur fuel oil on a lifecycle basis.
- Emissions reductions that go beyond those already required by regulation.
- Transparent fuel lifecycle emissions and independent third party certification and validation of emission reduction claims.
Notice to potential bidders about volume, emission reduction goal, definition of qualifying e-fuels, how to register interest with ZEMBA, and other key details. Potential bidders are encouraged to signal their interest with ZEMBA as soon as possible to ensure timely delivery of RFP 2 materials when the bid period opens.
RFP 2 bid sheet and additional materials will be made available to interested bidders.
The ZEMBA team will work with bidders to evaluate and validate bids to ensure compliance with ZEMBA’s RFP 2 Sustainability Framework.
RFP 2 Sustainability Framework
RFP 2 Additional Resources
Relevant Press
ZEMBA seeking additional members ahead of RFP 2 launch
ZEMBA is continuing to recruit members ahead of our next tender, which offers a unique opportunity to make history by supporting the first collective maritime e-fuel deployment. Join ZEMBA now and demonstrate true vision and leadership!
No Fees
Join ZEMBA now with no membership fee. It’s an easy yes!